PRIDE Schedule
The current PRIDE tutorials are embedded below. Students and parents can plan ahead by deciding which enrichment or intervention sessions to attend. 

Students who are "stamped" in their agenda planner are REQUIRED to visit that teacher. If a student is not "stamped," they may choose from any of the OPEN sessions listed below. 


Personal Responsibility for Individual Development and Education

The staff at Kraemer Middle School believes that all students should have the opportunity to seek additional help and take part in extension activities during the school day. Our students and families are very busy, and Kraemer PRIDE provides time for students to meet with their teachers, have additional study time, and participate in extracurricular activities during the school day.

The mission of Kraemer “PRIDE” is to positively support all students in their quest to achieve their personal best.


What is PRIDE?

Kraemer P.R.I.D.E. is a 30 minute period during the school day that serves to support all learners on Kraemer’s campus through student enrichment and intervention.

When is PRIDE?

PRIDE will take place Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between period three and period four.

What kind of things will students be doing in PRIDE?

Student enrichment may include small group learning experiences, labs, simulations, writing conferences, special projects, and extension activities. Additionally, the library, computer labs, and other study halls will be available for students to study quietly and complete homework.

Student intervention may include re-taking tests, re-teaching sessions, study hall for incomplete or inadequate assignments.

Who determines what PRIDE sessions students attend?

A teacher may “require” a student to attend a mandatory intervention session if the student has missing assignments, low grades, poor test scores, or needs extra time to master a concept. A teacher will indicate that a student must attend a “required” session by stamping their agenda planner.

Students who are not “required” to attend a mandatory session will have their choice to attend any enrichment session offered throughout the school.  Students are welcome to attend sessions hosted by any teacher on campus, not just their own teachers.

How will students know about the different PRIDE sessions being offered?

Each week, a list of all PRIDE sessions will be placed in each classroom. Additionally, the weekly calendar of sessions will be posted on the school website so that parents can discuss with their student about the sessions they choose to attend.

Will students receive a PRIDE grade?

No. However, the work that students complete during intervention sessions should positively affect their grades. Making up homework, tests, and attending re-teaching sessions will raise the grades in each of their classes. Enrichment sessions are not graded.

What if a student needs help in several different classes?

Each day of PRIDE has a content-area that takes priority, and if a student is stamped by multiple teachers, they will be required to attend the content-area that has the priority that day.  

How did the school fit PRIDE into the schedule?

Passing periods were reduced from five to three minutes, and each class period was shortened by two minutes. We believe that providing focused time for students to receive support is a positive trade-off for a small reduction in overall class length.
